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  • Rohit

Relax, relaxation and stress management

Amrita Spa invites you to relax! Eliminate tensions, learn to control anxiety and gain quality of life.

Anxiety disorders, as well as those derived or exacerbated by stress, cover a very high percentage of medical consultations today. To avoid these states, as well as to have happy, healthy and very positive lives, Amrita body to body massage in Delhi invites you to Relax.

Relaxation techniques have a long history, but it is not until the second decade of the last century that Jacobson and Schultz systematize and empower it. Since then, they have begun to be applied in various areas, such as psychology, psychiatry, sports, creativity, etc.

At Amrita Body Spa in Delhi they believe that learning to relax to fight nerves, control stress and feel better is essential. Something that should even be taught in schools and companies. The appearance of tensions, anxiety, overwhelm, is in a way inevitable. But they do know how to placate these negative states.

What is Relax?

"When we can not seek tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere".

Relaxation is a course of relaxation techniques lasting approximately 2 hours. Not only does it consist of a relaxation session, which is already therapeutic. It also incorporates an important theoretical part, where we will show you the main techniques, when to use each one and how to put them into practice.

In addition to carrying out the main techniques, they will provide you with a compilation so that you can really apply what you have learned to your day to day and refresh what you forget.

You work in a group, since this way you can enrich your learning by sharing the doubts and difficulties that your classmates have.

The goal is to learn to relax in multiple situations: when you face an unexpected problem, the complex needs that work or family demand, as a creative resource for personal well-being, as a source of inspiration, etc.

Your physical condition will improve. A relaxed state improves blood circulation, digestion, immune function, reduces blood pressure: Relax.

You will feel better with yourself. Calm gives you harmony: Balance.

You will be able to solve your problems better. Stress and anxiety cloud the clarity of consciousness: Reassure yourself for Better Art.

You will boost your mental health. Alpha brain waves, present in the state of relaxation, have shown their benefits on multiple occasions.

Learning to relax protects against mental disorders, enhances multiple intellectual abilities and improves subjective well-being indexes.

Incorporating relaxation into your day-to-day life, you will gain in quality of life!

Bring comfortable clothes and socks.

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